Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to be a Promotional Model

English: promotional models on the Fenaucro Fa...
English: promotional models on the Fenaucro Fair in Sertaozinho, Brazil, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A promotional models is just what you see in the late night TV commercials.  Late-night your see commercials demonstrating different products ranging from power tool to wrinkle creams.

Promotional models are needed for all ages.  You don't even have to look like a playboy bunny to get these types of jobs.

You will be an independent contractor.  You will work your own schedule.  You can choose which avenues of promoting you desire.  Promoting models have unlimited opportunities in modeling promotion its impossible to list.

No matter what state you live in.  You can find different talent agencies and staffing agencies in or close to the area you live in.

Before applying to any of these agencies check the B.B.B (Better Business Bureau) to see if the modeling agency is legitment or not and you should never pay any fee.

You can be a spokes-model for trade shows.  These are the highest paid models.  You must be professional and have great social skills.  You should not be afraid to speak to the public and be able to be entertaining.

You could be a product demonstrator.  Offering free samples of food or drinks.  You can also be asked to demonstrate certain products such as cosmetics ect...

If your a night person you could work in nightclubs.  You can promote different beverages.  You should have a bubbly personality.  You must be good with handling the public,especially in a nightclub.

I just mentioned a few of ways these models make money promoting products and service.  You can find out more about being a promotional model here


Promotional Models and Fashion Models: Get Work. Network.

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