Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SideSkills for Freelancers

Why you should join SideSkills?  SideSkills is a marketplace for freelancers.  When you join.  You will be prompt to create a simple profile page.

Your profile page is so that members of the community can find you easily and so you can either hire freelancers or get hired as a freelancer.

On your profile you will need to list your skills.  Listing your skills will help you get noticed by employers that are looking to hire someone with your experience.

You can spend a little time socializing within the community.  You can refer users or be referred by users of SideSkills.

If your skills match to an employer.  You will be sent an invitation to apply for that freelance job or skill.

If you are looking to hire: You can do a quick search that list users that have the skill you require to hire an employee.

You can set your own budget or pay rate.  As an employer who is hiring its easy to find employees with the skills and experience that is needed to get the job done.

You can hire employees for online work or off line work.  There is more than 900 skills needed such as Academic Writing, Accessories Designer, Account Examiner, Account Executive, Account Manager, Accountant Manager, Accounting, Acting, Aircraft Pilot, and more.

If you need a job why not look to see if your job skills match any of the 900 skills needed by employers?  Sign up now at the freelance marketplace 
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