Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How I Picked My Profession


I want to share how I became a cosmetologist.  I hope by sharing I will help you to decide on a career that comes naturally that you will love.  I hope this will make choosing a career easier and help you to exspand on what you already know and love to do in life.

I never thought I would be a hairdresser.  I always wanted to be a veterinarian.  The problem with that I never did good in school.  I also as a kid I wanted to be a singer and a pianist.

I used to play store.  I was the cashier ringing up items.  It was fun as a child.  When I became old enough to get a job.  I worked at Kmart.  I quickly found out playing cashier was fun as a child but in the real world was far different from what I had imagined.

I got other jobs similar to Kmart but realized  those kinds of jobs is not really what I had in mind for myself. 

I did a lot of babysitting.  I loved children and they loved and respected me.  I worked in a daycare for a while.  My father owned a duplex.  I convinced my father into renting one side out to me so I could watch children.

He finally agreed.  He swore I wouldn't get enough kids but he was wrong.  I put a add in the paper in one day I had my limit of children to babysit.  Plus a waiting list!

After a few months my dad came to me and said.  What do you think about turning the whole duplex into a daycare.

We did the research got everything approved by the state and county.  Now I am a proud owner of a daycare.

It was fine and dandy until my mother got cancer and she needed 24/7 care and all the red tape I had to induer just to keep the daycare open.  I didn't want to but I had to close to take care of my mother.

After my mother died I had to find something else to do to make money.

Then I get a phone call from a friend she wanted me to help here with a perm.  I permed and cut her hair.  She said I should go to school to be a cosmetologist.  Well I blew it off at first.  I started to think maybe she has something so I did the research than enrolled myself in to the Roffler College.

I graduate in 1987 and retired in 2004 due to disabilities.

You see I had a natural ability to fix hair and I made a good living doing what I loved.  Now I can't stand on my feet long hours.  I can't work in a beauty shop or barber shop anymore.

Now I have to find something else to do for a living.  I am like you now looking and wondering what to do next.

Author Comment

Think about when you were a kid.  Think about compliments you have received from doing something for someone else.  What are you passionate about and how can you profit from what you love?

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