Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wind Farm Careers

Micon wind turbine, Dithmarschen.
Image via Wikipedia
The popularity of wind mill farms are growing and the demand is growing.  Find top wind farm jobs.  Salary and benefits you will get paid.  The requirements to become employed working on wind farms and the types of openings available.

If your looking for a new career you maybe interested in wind farm careers because wind farming is a brand new career opportunity,not many people have any exsperence for this type of work.  Now is the best time to get in and get on the job training without having to go to college.  If you wait you might have a tougher time getting in this line of work.

Types of Wind Farm Careers

Turbine Commissioner:

There job is subject to extensive quality control  to check that manufacturer specifications have been met. Your job will also be to test new systems and subsystems. Turbine commissioners do a lot of traveling to troubleshoot inspect to “permit” a wind turbine to go online for production.  So you will be working on many projects in different areas.

Turbine Commissioner Job Requirements

You must have a background in engineering or it is possible for you to get the job with significant mechanical experience to enter the field as a turbine commissioner after having completed a wind technician training program.
A turbine commissioner salary is determined by the amount of traveling but the average salary is about $70,000 to $80,000 a year.

Wind Farm Construction Laborer

Work long hours of hard physical labor.  Your requirements are safety certifications in CPR, First Aid, and the OSHA 10 Hour Construction courses. In addition it can help to have a basic knowledge of climber safety systems. Although employers are required to train employees in the climbing system. The salary for wind farm construction laborer workers industry averages normally $35,000 per year.

Wind Technician

Today’s wind turbines have to be serviced and kept up.  Wind technicians are responsible for completing  tasks everyday to properly main tain the turbines including; fluid changes, filter changes, bolt torquing, and troubleshooting the system. To complete these tasks, wind technicians work in groups of two to three other wind technicians in order to efficiently maintain each wind turbine within their service area.

Wind Technician average salary is $75,000 per year.


Wind Farm Jobs

This article has a great video of wind farming and a list of areas that are looking to hire you.  You will find some great information and plenty of links so you can find out more about wind farm careers.

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