Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Seeking Domestic Work in Okeechobee Fl.

If you live or own a business in Okeechobee Fl.  and you are looking for a helping hand.  I am just an email away!

Let me give you a little background of my work history and my employment situation now.

Cell-Phone Business

I currently have a cell-phone business.  I close my cell-phone business every summer and I reopen in October.  I have been in business 8 years with regular customers.

Due to increase in inventory and shipping.  The lack of new customers.  I may be forced to close permanently.


I babysit a special needs child with down-syndrome.  She is now 13 years old.  I have been babysitting her for 6 years.  I have permission to pick her up at school or at the bus stop.

I often take her to the bus stop and pick her up from the bus stop.  My responsibilities are to make her lunch and dinner,make sure she does her homework.  I interact with her by playing with her and teaching her games.  I teach her with flash cards.

I also cleaned the house and did laundry.  (Not my Job)  I took care of all the pets.  I pretty much did whatever was needed.

Due to her mom getting back surgery I am only babysitting as needed. 


I was a live-in companion for a women with Alzheimer's and diabetes.  My responsibilities were to take care of all her needs.

I drove her to doctors appointments
Paid bills
Handled nurses and made medical decisions.

Mrs. Hazel died in 2010

Joe's Barber Shop

I am a licensed cosmetologist/barber.  I worked for Joe's Barber Shop for 3 years in Okeechobee.  I have been licensed since 1987.

Fired or let go due to the progression of Mrs. Hazels Alzheimer's progressing. I was missing to much work and overly stressed. I would have had to quit anyways.

Seeking Employment

I am looking for any kind of employment in Okeechobee.  I have not been in the work force for years.  I am trying to get back in the work force.

I have social anxiety disorder so I don't do well in stressful situations.  I don't do well in some public situations.  Although I do have a great re-pore with handling and doing business with customers.

I cannot sit or stand for hours at a time due to a car accident.  So I must have a job were I can sit and stand at will.

I would love a job using a computer.
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