Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Getting Fired

Fired!.pngFired!. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Getting fired is never a good feeling but it happens to us all at least one time in our lives.  Believe it or not there are pros and cons with getting fired. 

This is meant to be some what entertaining.  If you have lost your job it can be depressing so this is looking at getting fired in a different but funny perspective.

The Pros of Getting Fired

  • Getting fired is not always bad!

  • You lean from your mistakes.

  • You get free job experience.

  • You get to sleep in after you are fired.

  • You will still get paid.

  • You can find out what your call in life is and what your call in life is not.

  • Once you get fired enough you don't care.

  • You get brave enough to apply for higher pay only to get fired with bigger pay check.
  •  You could collect unemployment if you can keep the job for 6 months.

The Cons of Getting Fired

  • Even though you have plenty of job experience and learned from your mistakes.  Lot of jobs require at least 2 year experience.

  • You don't always get a check every week because you need to get hired first.

  • You can't use these jobs as a reference.

  • You run out of jobs to get fired from in your area.

If You Think You Been Fired A lot Read This 

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