Sunday, June 26, 2011

How To Not Burn Bridges When Leaving A Career

How To Not Burn Bridges When Leaving A Career:

"Some very unique job skills are required to change jobs and not burn bridges when leaving a career. Some education for adults to learn will help an employee inform an employer when leaving a job. This career advice could come in handy one day when leaving one job for another even if you are being phased out of your job"

I remember one time I gave my last notice to my boss. I couldn't wait to give her my last notice. Not because I hated my job or my boss but I felt bad about leaving my job for a better job. I was scared also because I didn't want to burn no bridges. Now a days you better know what your doing if you quit your job. Employment is not that easy to get right now so if you plan on quiting your job you should read this article.

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