Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Other Sites Like Fiverr and How to Make Money on Them

Other Sites Like Fiverr and How to Make Money on Them

The way things are with gas prices its very hard to go out and look for work. I normally wouldn't put up a post for online work but since I joined one of the sites called on the article I am about to share with you and I have only been a member of for 2 days and I got my first job this morning.

The job or service I provided only took an hour to do. I got paid $4 to my paypal account after the job was completed. I know thats not a lot of money but it will help you get gas in your gas tank until you do get employment. You will also find online jobs that are similar to that have jobs that pay as high as $100 a job or to perform a service.

You can perform as many service to keep you working as you please the more jobs or services you post the more work you will get and the more money you will have to get you real employment.

Who knows you might not have to go back to work. Brows around and see what kinds of jobs other people are getting paid to do and if you can do what they can do then your in the money.

You can see what services are in demand and offer the same services. They also have requested services you can brows through and jobs ideas that will give you even more job ideas.

I encourage you to give this job idea a try.

(warning read the rules and the terms of service)

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