Sunday, August 22, 2010

Forensic Artist

Federal Bureau of Investigation Seal
Federal Bureau of Investigation Seal (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
If you have a knack for drawling faces especially in detail this would be a great job for you. The best thing about this job is no matter where you move too your job will always be there just in a different location.

Forensic jobs are increasing. Forensic artists often work as independent contractors. Just think of all the lives you could save by helping to identify criminals. Think of this you get your art work publicized on national TV. Talk about getting free advertising. You could even make a portfolio of all the criminals you help get arrested and make extra money doing that. What I mean is write articles about the criminals that you have sketched. Your portfolio would plus for future employment.

Job Title: Forensic Artist / Sketch Artist
Office: Crime Scenes, Law enforcement agencies
Description: Using detailed verbal descriptions to recreate accurate images
Certifications/Education: No formal education required, Certificate in Forensic Art, Degree in Art or Criminal Justice is highly recommended
Necessary Skills: Communication, Drawing
Potential Employers: Law enforcement agencies - Police, FBI, Airport Security
Pay: $14 to $30 per hour

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